NJ indefinitely postpones indoor dining, The Factory fined for overcrowding

COVID-19 surges cause NJ to halt indoor dining

Clove Garden of India
Clove Garden of India pre-COVID-19

Governor Phil Murphy has put an indefinite halt on New Jersey’s plans to begin indoor dining at restaurants. The governor made the announcement on Monday, citing coronavirus surges in other states, “driven by, in part, the return of indoor dining.” Governor Murphy added that the pause isn’t permanent.

New Jersey restaurants were going to reopen for indoor dining this Thursday, July 2. However, there have been massive COVID-19 surges in states like Texas and California, where customers congregating in bars has led to new infections.

“The carelessness of one establishment can completely undo the good work of many others,” tweeted Governor Murphy. “We will not tolerate outlier bars and restaurants — and, frankly, patrons — who think the rules don’t apply to them. They are the ones who ruin it for everyone else.”

The Factory in Jersey City fined for allowing hundreds inside without masks

Meanwhile, closer to home, Chief Prosecutor Jake Hudnut announced that The Factory Restaurant and Lounge has been fined because it “violated COVID-19 restrictions throughout the pandemic,” reports NJ.com.

The citations carry the possibility of jail time and community service, as well as up to $2,000 in fines. Last week, Hudnut tweeted a video of overcrowding at Grove Bistro stating that summonses will be issued if Grove Bistro doesn’t comply.

Hudnut is asking Jersey City residents to report businesses not adhering to COVID-19 restrictions by emailing photos of the violations to prosecutor@jcnj.org.


  1. They need to also crack down on nj transit for allowing ppl on the bus without mask n being put in a situation where someone sits next to u. I thought the bus was supposed to protect the passengers too not just the bus driver? Not all accept over the limit but mainly the #87 n sometimes #2.

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