JC Farmers’ Markets will return with proper social distancing

Farmers' markets to kick off this month


Jersey City Farmers Market

The Grove Plaza Farmers’ Market will return on Monday, May 11. Mayor Steven Fulop recently announced the city’s plans to open nine farmers’ markets throughout Jersey City.

“We’ll start to open our 9 Farmers’ Markets throughout #JerseyCity,” tweeted Mayor Fulop. “We’ll take precautions, more space between vendors, masks required, rules in place BUT we have to trust residents to make good decisions,” said Fulop.

“We’ll offer each tools to manage costs, provide sanitation station + food for ppl in need at the end of the market day which will help both farmers + struggling families. We’ll discourage multiple family members, prepared foods + music to focus on essentials at this time.”

According to the historic special improvement district (HDSID), the Downtown Farmers’ Market will return on Monday, May 11 at the Grove PATH Plaza. The HDSID is working with Local Line so that customers can shop online and pick up purchases at the market.

Farmers’ Market Guidelines at Grove

The vendor guidelines (PDF) give a sneak peek at what the Grove Farmers’ Market may look like.

  • The Farmer’s Market location will remain at the Grove PATH Plaza but will also include the “first green” area of the Newark Avenue Pedestrian Mall. This is to ensure that all vendors are at least 6 feet away from each other and not in close quarters. This will allow visitors and vendors alike to maintain appropriate social distances.
  • Signs promoting and reminding visitors/vendors to please maintain 6 feet apart will be spread throughout the Plaza and Mall area.
  • We will also have caution tape and signs on the ground promoting social distancing.
  • Everyone must wear protective gloves and masks!
  • If you have the capability, please consider only accepting debit/ credit cards/ WIC cards.
  • Only vendor staff can handle food and produce. Please do not allow customers to touch the items.
  • Please sanitize your stands by wiping the tables and cash registers.