Election ballot drop boxes now appearing in the wild in Jersey City


Jersey City Ballot DropboxThe first election ballot drop box has been spotted in the wild in Jersey City. Earlier this month, Mayor Steven Fulop revealed that each ward in Jersey City would have its own election ballot drop box. The drop box pictured above is for Ward E located just outside City Hall at 280 Grove Street. The drop box is pretty small and as a reader points out — is quite easy to miss. So we’re posting this photo as a PSA.

In August, Governor Phil Murphy announced that all 6.3 million voters in New Jersey would automatically receive a mail-in ballot for the November election. (Normally, you’d have to request one, but due to the pandemic they’re automatically being mailed out). Once completed, the ballots can be sent back via regular mail, put in drop boxes (such as the one pictured above), or delivered to poll workers on Election Day.

You don’t have to return your ballot to the drop box in your ward. Mail-in ballots can be returned to any drop box within Hudson County. You can get more info from the NJ Division of Elections Page, which lists the locations for all of the drop boxes in Hudson County.