Pizza Pie La Cantina Opens on Greene Street


New pizzeria opens on Greene Street
Pizza Pie La Cantina just opened at 101 Greene Street (a few doors down from The Iron Monkey). The restaurant is serving breakfast (eggs/breakfast sandwiches), lunch (salads/sandwiches), and dinner. —Exchange Place Alliance

Port Authority & Jersey City settle dispute
The city of Jersey City is dropping its $400 million lawsuit against the Port Authority over allegedly unpaid taxes. As part of the new agreement, ownership of the Powerhouse building on Washington Street will be transferred from the Port Authority to the city for rehabilitation. The city will also receive a $17,750,000 payment from the PA for ownership of a triangle parcel on Washington Street, which will house new PATH transformers. —Hudson County View

Jersey City leads the way in blocking chain stores
While chain stores like Starbucks and CVS continue eating up neighborhood in New York, here in Jersey City independent businesses give JC a “small town” feel. Former Council Woman Candice Osborne tells the Huffington Post how Jersey City is pulling this off. —HuffPo

(Photo: Wikipedia)