**The NYT visits Talde Jersey City calling it a “hip and happening place” despite offering a “mix of hit-or-miss dishes and spotty service.” Standout dishes they recommend include the “perfectly crunchy” Korean-style fried chicken, the 2-lb. branzino baked in banana leaves, with dried red chilies, mustard seeds, and a tomato turmeric jam, and the kale salad, which serves the leafy green fried, raw, and grilled. —NYT
**The 6th annual Jersey City Ward Tour was a success with close to 2,000 bicyclists (about 500 more than last year) taking part in the 15-mile ride through all six wards of Jersey City. —NJ.com
**Union Republic is now open till midnight on weeknights and 2am on weekends. (Also love the new plants/trees lining the outside of the restaurant). —UR
**LITM is now carrying Chilltown Kitchen desserts. A local catering company, Chilltown specializes in seasonal, healthy treats as well as Latin American food. —Chilltown Kitchen
**Dullboy has unveiled a brand new apps/dinner menu. (I can vouch for the tuna tartar/chips). —Dullboy