Update April 19: In an e-mail blast, Mayor Steven Fulop acknowledged that the city will “periodically move the [COVID-19 testing] sites around the City to make sure we are serving the most people.” There are currently two sites in Jersey City: a walk-up site at the Bethune Center (140 MLK Drive) and a drive-thru site at 575 Route 440. Both sites require an appointment.
City officials have turned Greenville’s Bethune Center into a COVID-19 testing site, reports NJ.com. The center — located at 140 MLK Drive — is now poviding free coronavirus tests to all Jersey City residents.
Prior to showing up, residents must call (201) 547-5535 to be screened and schedule an appointment. Unfortunately, city officials are closing the downtown Jersey City coronavirus testing center at 465 Marin.
The testing center at 575 Route 440 will remain open. Residents can call (201) 547-5535 to be screened for an appointment at either testing site between 9am and 5pm, seven days a week.
Just curious, why is the 465 Marin Blvd. JC, NJ. downtown testing site closing? Thank you
Good question. Based on the city’s own data, it appears the DTJC location was performing more tests than the 440 center. Until city officials address it — it’s really unclear why it’s relocating (or why we can’t have three testing centers).
Well, see what you can find out please. JC Upfront is doing a great job with coverage. Thank you.
Looks like they’re just moving the testing center to a poorer neighborhood. Why bring potential Covid-19 patients to the downtown area when you can make them go over to Greenville. Cool, government. I see you.
Wow didn’t even consider warning people about the new site , let alone putting the testing site in a poor area exposing more to die I get your plan may God cover us
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